Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some counting

I didn't realize Sam knew how to count to 10 until the other night. It's like, all of the sudden he just does this and Dan and I look at each other like...When did this happen?!
The little dude is growing up too fast, but boy do we love it!
Some other happenings...We went on a hike to Donut Falls this morning.  So fun!  Went with my friend from high school and her little girl who's two months older than Sam. 
 She wanted to give him lots of loves and hugs.  She had a small crush on him I think :)

Melts my heart.
 Happy 6 years to us!  Celebrated with a bike ride together and some amazing Indian take out after Sam went to bed.  Thank you Ali for playing with him!
LOVE, love him.
 I love this picture, taken a few Sunday's ago at family dinner.  Oldest to youngest kids...Sam-19 months, Max-14 months, Jane-8 months, Enzo-2 months.   All within 6 months of each other.  They are going to have SO much fun playing when they're older!
 Had to share my post race dinner. Pan fried then baked chicken, mashed potatoes Dan made for the race, but I didn't end up eating and fresh tomato and fresh veggies salad by Ali.  The home grown tomatoes are to die for, like candy!  All of it was so tasty.
 And someone likes to lounge out while they watch a show.  Totally relaxing :)

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